Other Product Development
Since its founding, InterPrep has been called upon to play major roles in product development in both foreign languages and international education.
Creating a Chinese Language Program in Your School
As one of several early steps to help U.S. schools implement new programs in Chinese, Asia Society and The College Board determined to produce a handbook that addresses many of the issues schools face as they begin the process of bringing Chinese language and culture education to their communities. InterPrep’s principal, Greg Duncan, was engaged as convenor of a national advisory group to assist in envisioning the contents of such a handbook, and Duncan then served as principal author. Further information about Creating a Chinese Language Program in Your School can be found at http://www.askasia.org/chinese/publications.htm.
ACTFL Performance Guidelines for K-12 Learners
The national foreign language standards defined what students should know and be able to do for American language educators, but the missing element was “how well” students would be able to do “it.” To lead the effort to define “how well,” ACTFL engaged InterPrep’s principal, Greg Duncan, to lead the task force that envisioned these descriptors and to serve as principal author of this publication, regarded today as one of the major cornerstones for foreign language instruction and assessment in the United States.
Federal Programs Publications
Greg Duncan has served as author of publications attributed to both the U.S. Department of Education and the National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition (formerly National Clearinghouse for Bilingual Education). These three publications focus on the efficacy of the Foreign Language Assistance Program (FLAP), a grant initiative from the U.S. Department of Education.
Southern Center for International Studies
Located in Atlanta, the Southern Center for International Studies is a major developer of secondary and collegiate social studies materials that include video footage from the Center’s highly successful and unique conferences of former secretaries of State and Defense. InterPrep served as project coordinator for both East Asia in Transition and Latin America in Transition.