Conference Presentations
InterPrep is frequently called upon to provide service to the nation’s foreign language professional organizations. Keynote speeches and/or invited conference workshops have been provided to the following groups since InterPrep’s founding.
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese
Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
Southern Conference on Language Teaching
Central States Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
Southwest Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
Pacific Northwest Conference on Foreign Languages
National Association of District Supervisors of Foreign Languages
STARTALK, National Foreign Language Center
East Asia Regional Council of Schools
Alaskans for Language Acquisition
California Language Teachers Association
Chinese Education Conference (Chinese American International School)
Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teachers
Confederation in Oregon for Language Teaching
Connecticut Conference on Language Teaching
Delaware Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
Foreign Language Association of Georgia
Foreign Language Association of Maine
Foreign Language Association of Missouri
Foreign Language Association of Virginia
Foreign Language Educators of New Jersey
Georgia Chapter, American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese
Illinois Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
Kansas World Language Association
Kentucky World Language Association
Louisiana Foreign Language Teachers Association
Massachusetts Foreign Language Association
Michigan Foreign Language Association
National Chinese Language Conference
New Jersey Chapter, American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese
New Mexico Organization of Language Educators
Ohio Foreign Language Association
Oklahoma Chapter, American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese
Oklahoma Foreign Language Teachers Association
Pennsylvania State Modern Language Association
Rhode Island Foreign Language Association
South Carolina Foreign Language Teachers Association
South Dakota World Language Association
Tennessee Foreign Language Teachers Association
Texas Association for Language Supervision
Texas Coordinating Council on Languages
Texas Foreign Language Association
Utah Foreign Language Association
Washington Association for Language Teaching
West Virginia Foreign Language Teachers Association
Wisconsin Association of Foreign Language Teachers
Wyoming Foreign Language Teachers Association